The Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, June 5, 2009

Minato-chan as a GIRL ?!

WAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! something makes me blind !! (not real, of course *kicked*) It's very impressive ! Here it is...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOW 0_0 When I find it on Photobucket, I scream ( not for ice cream ) when I look it. Gyaaaa!!!!! Minato-kun as a girl! SOooooooo cute ! If he's a she, that's the same as Naoto. Naoto is very similar with Minato, right? the different is Naoto is a girl. Damn, if he's a boy, that would be great !

Life can be found only in the present moment. The past is gone, the future is not yet here, and if we do not go back to ourselves in the present moment, we cannot be in touch with life.


  1. Hello, Salary Dam-san ! Nice too see you!

  2. OMG WTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!?? CANTIK AMAT !!!! *disabet ama Minato* =)) =)) ga bisa berhenti ngeliatnya !! wakakakaakk~~~ *ditampar karna ga sadarkan diri* =)) =))

  3. Hana-san, Hana-san!!!! *panik dan langsung panggil ambulans* kalo bener-bener mau gbr ini, tinggal di-copy aja. Boleh, kok!!

  4. salam kenal! blogmu bagus! keren! follow aku ya..
