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This is the picture of Elizabeth and her very very cute cat.I don't know it's name.
Ok,let me tell you a bit about Elizabeth.
If you play Persona3,you must be know that Elizabeth is a guardian of another dimensional world called "Velvet Room".In the game,this is the place where the main character (Minato & Aegis in The Answer) is between the border of reality and unreality.Elizabeth really makes you confuse by giving you a lot of task.Hmmm........there are 99 requests from her for you to complete all of them(if you can). The rewards you'll retrieve are unique.The harder the request,the prize is more rare and better.
The most incredible prize is the Omnipotent Orb,at the request number 55,where is your mission is to defeat her.That's very hard,but Messiah can produce that item too and the chance to get it is 1%.
Well,I hope you can enjoy this game.
If you have any trouble to finish The Journey and The Answer,tell me.I'll help you.
KYAAA!!!!I love this manga!Vampire Knight by Hino Matsuri!Hino -sensei is soooo awesome!
I want to tell you a lick about Vampire Knight
Now,let us begin.The main character is Yuuki Kurosu,but her real name is Yuuki Kuran,the pureblood vampire and sister of Kaname Kuran.She's a cheerful girl and one of the Guardian at Cross Academy. Her weapon is Artemis Rod,the weapon that can grow longer by itself and her team mate is Zero Kiryuu.She loves Kaname but she is shocked when she knows Kaname is her older brother.
She lost her memory when she was 5.The first person she met 10 years ago was Kaname Kuran.
Next, move to Zero Kiryuu.
He is Yuuki's childhood friend.He hates vampires but he can't bertrayed Yuuki.He's very calm and never smiles. His weapon is Bloody Rose,the gun that can killed vampires,but can't killed human. She killed Shizuka,the pureblood vampire who killed Zero's parents when he was a child.He's older than Yuuki,but they're in the same class 'coz Zero stopped study a year ago.He hates Kaname and his final mission is to kill him.
Now,about Kaname Kuran!
He's the president of the Night Class Council.He's the most popular guy in Cross,'coz he's very handsome!Aono loves him too!!!Yuuki is his younger sister and he's very loyal with her.Kaname's special vampire power is to control another people to do what he desires.He hates Zero,but he didn't kill him earlier 'coz he wanted Zero to protect Yuuki.He saved Yuuki from a crazed vampire 10 years ago in the snow.He has the secret mission to totally change the world and no one knows it..
Well,I think this enough.I'll continue it later.
Here,I give you a picture of Yuuki and Kaname.Mell-san will copy it.I know!
Now I'm in Bandung,Indonesia.I'm in a holiday 'coz I don't have any activities to do,so I went to Bandung.
Yesterday,when I arrived at Husein Airport,it was cold!But not as cold as you are in USA(at winter).Then I called the taxi and we went to a hotel called HYATT.Wow,so glamorous!!I spent the rest of the day in my room.
Now,I want you to know important buldings in Bandung.One of them is the"Gedung Sate". Why satay ? Coz' it has something looks like satay at the top of the building..
I'll continue it later with new article,bye!*waves*
There are many strange things in this world.I've been feel them for many times.That's scary,y'know.
This is what happened to Mell-san,
She and her sister,Aurora,have been stucked in their apartment.That's pretty crazy.
But when I came to her apartment,the door was completely OK.I'm afraid for them.
They will die if they can't go out and eat anything!!!
Now this is one of the strange things that was happened to me.
If I still remember,it was 3 years ago.
When my mom called me, I still on my bed.When I came downstairs,my mom asked:"Hm?Why are you going upstairs again?"."Huh?I just go downstairs NOW,Mum!".Later,my mom said that she juat saw a black form and she couldn't saw her face.I'm sweating.I can't think more about it!
I'm still thinking about that atrange incident .Could that be the ghost?Or another things that we can't see?There are strange things in this world....
OK,back to our topic.I like ghost story,though.If you have it,tell me.
And what I most afraid of is not ghost,it is............................CATERPILLAR!!!!!!!!!!KYAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Ugh,it's very strange.The damn caterpillar is show up again!
I don't know why,but maybe I should burn it with nuclear!
OK,just forget it and I better start our main topic.
I have a problem.I can't edit my bagkground picture.
Thanks for Thunder-kun and LOK-kun for helping me solved this problem.But that's useless.
I still can't find what I most wanted in Photobucket and Imageshack.I've download it from Google,though.
If someone have an idea, tell me.
And welcome to our new member,Lazy-chan from Vietnam!!!*applause*
Uurgh!I'm so bored!!I'm alone in home and the deadline still 2 more weeks!I don't know what I have to do!Mell-san still in Philadelphia,and I couldn't contact my friends!My brothers can't come to my home 'coz they're VERY BUSY.Hmmmm....why all of you not come here?
Here,I post my favourite image.Hope you like it!
I forget which are the characters in Ar Tonelico.I've been stop playing it for a long time.If you still remember,please,tell me.
There's a poll about chara in Persona 3 . I wish all of you participate in that poll.
You can also pick more than one character.If you don't know what the characters looks like,tell me,then I'll give you their images.
Remember,the deadline is 13February2009.I hope you're satisfied with the result.
You can do it as many as you want .
I've been waiting this month for soooo long!The end of winter......I don't like winter so much,'coz that season is very cold,so I can't go out if I want to post my script to my editor.I have to stay in my kotatsu until winter ends
Oh yeah,about this month,you know,right?It's Valentine Day!Yay!Chocolate..I love it!Maybe I should give my chocolate to my lovely friend!
In February,which games will be released?I want to buy 'Legacy of Year Solid Books I & II',but the original version is not cheap,right?*sigh*
Yesterday,there was an accident between me and my friend(let's call him G)
There was a break time before we have to go to the room to do something.
I was walking through the hall,and then G's friend(let's call him E)called me to room 102.That was their room.So I entered it and saw another boys was doing 'Pillow War'.I thought that was pretty crazy.And then E said, "Hey,G!Come here!".And then I was really shocked when I saw him with no shirts!!!(with trousers,of course)
"KYAAAAAA!!!!!"I ran away from his room to my room.Ugh,that was very crazy!Then,the time to do the activities,began.I'm not brave enough to see his face.I knew I must said sorry to him,but I can't.
Then,after the "Dedication Service",I must rest.Everybody took the hot milk before they slept.I passed G and he smiled to me.I was blushing when I saw his cute face.But,no doubt about it,I have to go to bed.
The next day(today),we have to go home.I want to say sorry for him,but I'm too shy.He's so kind and care to me,but I know that he already loves another girl.I can't do it until now!
Please,everyone!Please tell me,what should I do ?!
YES!I finally get this picture!I'm so happy 'cause it's been a few days since my internet was under repair.Ugh,I'm so bored!But I love this day,'coz I can get Aurica's wallpapers!She's sooooo cute!Woohoo!Now I want to get another pictures about Aurica!Or maybe Misha
Hello!Nice to meet you!Welcome to my blog,Thundercloud82 and LOKFanatic!!I'm so happy you want to visit my blog!Mell-san says that she can post only on Friday,Saturday,and Sunday!What a drag!But if you come here often,I'm so happy!Thanks!
What a boring day!My friends are busy,so I can't talk with them!There's a thing that I must do ,the SCRIPT.Oh,yeah.About P3,I've got a lot of good infos and images!"If you want to see the True Ending of Persona 3 The Journey,go to youtube.There's a lot of good videos about Persona 3.Here's a little picture of Minato.He's so cute!!