This is the picture of Elizabeth and her very very cute cat.I don't know it's name.
Ok,let me tell you a bit about Elizabeth.
If you play Persona3,you must be know that Elizabeth is a guardian of another dimensional world called "Velvet Room".In the game,this is the place where the main character (Minato & Aegis in The Answer) is between the border of reality and unreality.Elizabeth really makes you confuse by giving you a lot of task.Hmmm........there are 99 requests from her for you to complete all of them(if you can). The rewards you'll retrieve are unique.The harder the request,the prize is more rare and better.
The most incredible prize is the Omnipotent Orb,at the request number 55,where is your mission is to defeat her.That's very hard,but Messiah can produce that item too and the chance to get it is 1%.
Well,I hope you can enjoy this game.
If you have any trouble to finish The Journey and The Answer,tell me.I'll help you.
That sounds like a cross between AI3 & CV: PoR's quest systems. Pretty cool. Still... It's a ton of side quests to handle.
ReplyDeleteDid you ever get the Omnipotent Orb, Aono? I tried but 1% is very low indeed, I managed to get at least 3 copies of the ultimate armours for everyone but never got the Omnipotent Orb before giving up.
ReplyDeleteUh,that's pretty hard.I know how to defeat Elizabeth,maybe sometimes I should tell you.
ReplyDeletei just know how elizabeth is... hha ~ my sister just finished playing the journey ! hha ~
ReplyDeleteNah, it's OK, I'm not even going to try fighting her...
ReplyDeleteHey!Fighting her is very exiting,LOK-kun!
ReplyDeleteBut you must have Satan and Helel to do fusion spell Armageddon.And your character must be at Lv.99 and great health .Equip the weapon that you fused at weapon fusion and wear the armor that you got from Monad Depths.If all set,go to the top of Monad Depths.She's waiting for you.....
I'm too scared... >_<
ReplyDeleteIt's not that hard.But,you have to fight her alone.You can bring your team members up to the second floor from the top and leave them.You must have Personas that have skills Niflheim,Ragnarok, Thunder Reign, and Panta Rhei.You must also have Infinity and Armageddon. You should bring Personas that don't have absorb,nullification, and repel effect.I think you should bring Titania that has skill Niflheim if you get it from fuse Persona in the Velvet Room. Try it!I believe you can do it , LOK-kun !!!!!^-^
ReplyDeleteOK, OK. Once I finish ATII, I'll be trying it! Thanks for believing in me, Aono!
ReplyDeleteYeah! That's the spirit!