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March 26 2009, the sun shines brightly, and everybody is not at home, but she and her brother are there. That's Mell Enchantress. She told me that her parents forget her birthday. Ugh, that's dumb. The birthday's present for her is to stay at home with her brother.
Today is Mell-san's birthday! Yay! ^ ^She was soooo happy when I said "Happy Birthday" to her 'coz I was the first person who said that to her. Her parents even forget her and leave her alone at home with her naughty brother! When I read her post, I began to think. She'll be marry someone at 2011! Ugh, marry is too far for me. I even don't have a boyfriend! *sob* I need someone beside me. When I checked the love site , it said I'm not good at love. She said she'll reach the end of Ar Tonelico 2, Cloche's part, right?*sigh* I hope I can play that game, too.But my mother sold my Playstation 2! Ugh! I only have a PSP, but that's Akira. I wrecked his PSP Memory System, but he didn't angry with me. He said, "I'll buy you a new one, Memory Stick 8GB. Do you want it?" Of course I want ! The store that sells PSP games wrecked my Memory Stick! If I can, I'll burn that place to ash!
Ugh, finally, I can buy a Russian Blue. Oh, I love my eldest brother! He's soooo kind to me !But my parents still hate pets. Oh, anyway, welcome, Ash !! I didn't think you'll follow this blog . I'm soooooooo happy !! I like your blog ,too. Hehe.....I hope you'll enjoy this blog with my friends !^ ^
*sigh* I still have a bunch of work to do, even now I'm at Bern with Akira ! (he's my eldest brother) My editor is so a nuisance !! Bah, I wish I could hit her face sometimes. Ups, I have such a dirty mouth today. Well, I hope all of you will get friends with Ash ! ^ ^
Awwww........dogs are so cute !! I love my eldest brother's pomeranian ! She's so cute ! Akira-oniisama called her "Pie" 'coz she is so sweet like a pie . I want to pet one too , but my parents hate pets . That's weird. All my brother and my sister love pets !!! That's why I went to live with Akira 5 months ago 'coz I can play with Pie. *sigh* I hope I can buy one for my childhood friend , G (still remember him?). He said he loves dogs and cats . Mell-san loves cats . If Akira asked me for a pet , I want a Russian Blue !!! Now I just can look for it through the glass at the pet shop . Now I'm at Bern with Akira .'s cold here . C'mon !! Just one more step to Wina ! Yeah!!
Now I want to tell you about Morske Orgulje , the sea organ . The waves play music. Amazing , huh?
OK,here we go.
The Sea Organ !
The gigantic organ which is at the beach named Morske Orgulje. In Kroasia language,Morske Orgulje means Sea Organ. Yup,Morske Orgulje is at the seaside and is played by sea waves.Huuh?Why?
Morske Orgulje is not the basic organ.It was made of white marmer rocks. It's very long,70 meter. There are 35 holes at every side. When sea waves touched the organ part,you'll here music sounds .
Sounds from the waves are not always the same. Speed,power, and wave sizes are the main part.
First in the World
Morske Orgulje is the first organ in the world that is played by sea waves. This thing was invented by an architect called Sir Nikola Basic and Dalmatian.
Morske Orgulje was made in 2005..With his creation that beautiful and amazing,Sir Nikola Basic awarded European Prize for Urban Public Space .An architecture prize in Europe.
And of course,this sea organ made Zadar Beach in Kroasia more famous and many tourists come to this place.They come to hear music that played by waves and see sunset.Zadar Beach is famous for it's sunset.
Yep,that's the article.You can check the encyclopedia if you want to know more about Morske Orgulje. Maybe I'll go there if I'm not busy with my older brother,Akira.

Sir Nikola Basic
Mell-san still can't get out of her apartment!!! Geez,that's really freaked me out! I started to get worried about Mell-san and her sister. I hope they're ok inside that closed space,just like elevator. That's not good . I'm afraid if she can't fixed that door , she and her sister will be stucked in there forever!! GYAAAAAA!!!!
Altough,I still don't know the reason . Why?Last time when I came to her apartment the door was still ok , and then at night she told me that she couldn't open the door . I was really shocked . I didn't see anything wrong with that door . Who did it ? Was that the ghost ? Or someone else ? The question is still remain unanswered until now.........
The picture above is the comic strip that I got from Michiru who made for Persona 3 fan art. She really likes Persona games in Playstation 2 and Ar Tonelico series (I like them all !! > <).I like Persona 3 series than Persona 4 'coz the characters in Persona 3 are prettier than characters in Persona 4. In Ar Tonelico 1&2, I like Aurica and Chroche.There is something special that makes me like them. I enjoy that comic strip,anyway,it's quite funny, at least cute enough to make you smile. Haha,I see you're smiling right now....^_^